How do I select the right ammunition and selecting the right caliber; this week, the ladies continue with their series on the best self-defense ammunition for women. They are testing 9mm full metal jacket versus hollow points using their Ransom Multi-Cal Steady Rest. They are also testing some new technology in ammunition, Fort Scott Munitions TUI.
Selecting the right caliber can be difficult if you haven’t done the research. Precision Firearms was kind enough to give them some ammunition from Fort Scott Munitions to test. Louisa and Amber will show you why the 9mm full metal jacket is not acceptable for self-defense, and why 9mm hollow points are better by using their FBI gel blocks and the FBI protocol for testing ammunition. Self-defense ammunition can be confusing, but in this series, they walk you through the process of testing .22 caliber, .380 caliber, and 9mm to see which is the best. In the next few weeks, they will also be discussing whether or not a pistol is the best platform for home defense. They will be testing different shotgun ammunition including 00 buckshot, and possibly 000 buck.
You won’t want to miss this!
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